Thursday, May 7, 2009

Roles of Antigone: The Casting

Creon: Michael Richards/ Kramer
Appeareance: Same as in show but with golden toga
Reason: Could play an illogical character overcome with power.

Antigone: Keira Knightley
Appearance: sullen, depressed, mournful of her fate and her predicament
Reason: face can pull sadness off well

Ismene:Jessica Alba
Appearance: Youthful, young, beautiful
Reason: will play the sister who doesn't want to see her sibling harmed, but needs her as a companion, seems like dependent person.

leader: Tenacious D
appearance: togas and harps and lutes
Reason; Lyrics pertain to epic journey and legendary achievements.

sentry: Samuel L. Jackson
appearance: gold armor and a spear
Reason: Looks tough, could play the role of a guard, can be eloquent with words.

Haemon: Eric Bana
appearance; toga
Reason: can be rash and forceful towards creon, contradicting him.


  1. NOOO!!!! Samuel L. Jackson was my choice for the sentry! well, I guess my real choice was Jules in Pulp Fiction, but still!

  2. Kramer was a great choice for Creon, they both get angry, fast.
